Fertility Treatment for Australia and the World

"Before you start a garden,
you must prepare the soil"
– Antonia Ruhl
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Fertility treatment often focuses on symptoms rather than the underlying causes of infertility.
The shamanic view is that fertility is a part of our natural healthy state. Infertility is caused by some imbalance. Getting pregnant requires restoring balance. When the imbalance is addressed then symptoms like infertility disappear as we return to our natural healthy state.
The Amazon Fertility Program is designed to restore balance physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. As balance is restored there is a natural return to health and symptoms of imbalance like infertility disappear.

Antonia grew up in a household in Brazil where herbal remedies were used to treat the most common health conditions. Then, later she had the privilege to live in the Amazon Rain Forest where she learned and practiced the healing arts of the Kayapo tribe of Indians in the Amazon.
She now uses the knowledge obtained from these experiences to provide natural fertility treatment for men and women at her Melbourne clinic.
At Natural Stress Therapy, Antonia Ruhl assists both individual men and women, as well as couples to increase their fertility using the Amazon Fertility Program.
Often the imbalances causing infertility and preventing the female from getting pregnant lie with both partners, and during the first session Antonia Ruhl counsels the couple over the dangers of blaming one or the other, and also over the dangers of allowing their sex-life to become mechanical and unfulfilling.
Basically, the Amazon Fertility Program works on the premise that the body, mind and spirit must be harmonized in order for conception to occur. The couple must be taught how to relax and how to make sex pleasurable, fun and playful again as it was intended to be.

In our clinic we prepare both prospective parents by improving their fertility, the health of the eggs and sperm.
The Amazon Fertility Program is primarily a herbal based program which allows us to work with clients from around the world. Our Fertility Herbs can be shipped via courier to most countries.
Additional therapies may be of assistance if you are able to visit our Melbourne based clinic.

The importance of pre conception care is evident through several research studies which show that several cases of infertility, poor fetus formation and miscarriage are preventable and treatable with good preconception care. The growing baby needs lots of nutrients and vitamins to complete growth and total development.
As Dr. Antonia Ruhl, PhD says:
"A healthy tree always bears healthy fruits."
The aim of the Amazon Fertility Program is to give your baby the very best start in life.
Get started Now! You will love our fast and effective fertility treatment.
Amazon Fertility Program – Herald Sun Newspaper
Get started Now! You will love our fertility treatment in our conveniently located Melbourne clinic.